Top 10 Tips for Lasting Weight Loss Success


Studies show that eating smaller and more frequent meals (every 2 - 3 hours) helps improve the body's metabolism, resulting in better weight loss and weight control. When we skip meals or go more than 3 hours without eating, the body enters into a mode where metabolism slows down, and the body will automatically store more calories as fat from the next meal. Eating smaller more frequent meals helps to control insulin and sugar levels, which can help control appetite, and reduce risk factors for diabetes. Eating this way will also help to maintain weight loss results moving forward.

You can stick with the typical breakfast, lunch and dinner, you'll just be adding small snacks in between. It only takes 50 calories to keep your metabolism going so even things like: a half an apple, a half a banana, a half a yogurt, or small handful of almonds etc... will do. Meal planning should look like this: breakfast > a small snack > light lunch > a small snack > light dinner > and possibly another small snack if it's 1 - 2 hours before you’re going to bed.


When trying to lose weight, women should keep their total daily calorie count to right around 1,200 calories, and for men 1,500 calories. 


We recommend S Health or Calorie Counter - MyFitnessPal. Both apps are free to download and include the following features:

  • Track your daily meals and total calories.

  • Food database, for easy meal and calorie tracking.

  • Track your exercise and activity.

  • Track sleep and more.

  • Free Download.



We recommend exercising 3 - 5 days a week for a minimum of 20 minutes each day. You should incorporate both cardio and weight training. Cardio includes things like running, jogging, biking, stair climbing etc. Cardio exercises will burn fat and help reduce cardiovascular risk factors.

Weight or resistance training includes things like lifting weights, push-ups, pull-ups, sit-ups etc. Resistance training will help improve metabolism, strength, weight loss/control, and can reduce risk factors for things like osteoporosis. 


Simple sugars easily add up to high calorie counts, and are more likely to be stored as fat than things like protein and complex carbs. When reading a nutrition label, ideally 50% or less of the total carbohydrates should be sugar. Cut back on the sweets and sugary drinks!

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Planning your meals ahead a time will help keep you on track with healthier food choices, and eating the recommended smaller more frequent meals every 2 – 3 hours. Here’s a link for a good 1200 calorie a day, 7 day meal plan, click here: 7 Day Meal Plan.


When you’re on the go or don’t have a lot of time for your meals, it’s important that you have quick ready-to-eat snacks and meals. Here are just a few ideas to help you save time:

Premier Protein - With just 160 calories per shake, 30 grams of protein, and virtually no sugar or fat, we really like Premier Protein’s premixed protein shakes.

At around a $1 per shake from Sam’s or Costco, and a bit more from other stores like Walmart, these shakes are great as a snack or post workout.

For those of you who don’t like to eat much for breakfast, or are in a hurry in the mornings, these shakes are perfect, just grab one and go!

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Fiber One Bars - These little bars are surprisingly satisfying for just 90 calories. You can easily keep them in your bag or desk at work for a quick snack. We prefer the Lemon Bars but there are a number of flavors to choose from. Keep in mind, these are meant to be a small snack so try to refrain from eating more than one at a time.

Don’t forget about other simple snacks that you can carry with you, like: apples, bananas, low fat/sugar yogurt, almonds, etc… Remember, it only takes 50 calories to keep your metabolism going and steady, so in some cases eating just a half portion of these recommendations will do.


Studies show that skipping breakfast in the morning slows down your metabolism, and will lead to your body storing more calories as fat at your next meal. In order to prevent your body from storing any extra calories as fat, it’s best to eat within 30 minutes in the morning, and ideally no later than 60 minutes after waking up. As we’ve mentioned, it only takes 50 calories to keep your metabolism up, so even a very light breakfast will do.


Aside from sustaining life, drinking plenty of water has numerous benefits. Here’s a list of some of the key benefits you’ll see from adequate water intake:

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Improved appetite control and weight loss - drinking water consistently during the day and before meals has been shown to help control appetite and cause people to eat less at meals, it will also help promote improved digestion, all of which will result in better weight control and weight loss.

Increase in energy - even the slightest dehydration can cause the body to become fatigued, low on energy, and slow mental focus and clarity. You’ll have more energy and feel better throughout the day if you’re drinking enough water.

Flushing toxins - adequate water intake will ensure that your body stays efficient in removing toxins and waste. Your organs, primarily the liver and kidneys, need water to effectively function and flush out unwanted waste and toxins.

Keeping you regular - without enough water, you’re more likely to become constipated, this can be even more important if you’re taking certain medications or not getting enough fiber in your diet. Adequate water intake will help ensure that you stay regular, and feel better day to day.

Recommendations for how much water to drink each day has varied over the years, and also typically includes other water based fluids (tea, juice, etc…). Based off of our research, and to keep things simple, we recommend 10 cups of water per day, each cup is 8 ounces, so a total of 80 ounces of water per day should be adequate and can include any additional fluid intake. We also recommend using the small 8 oz bottles of water. People find it easier to drink 1 small 8 oz bottle of water per hour, over sipping from larger bottles throughout the day, and so did we when trying both methods.


While it can be beneficial to ‘cut back’ on certain things, it’s typically not a good idea to try to cut things out of your diet completely. Many fad diets these days often incorporate the idea of cutting certain things out of your daily diet, carbs are the first to come to mind. First of all, cutting out carbohydrates completely is not a very realistic idea, and can set you up for a very frustrating diet experience. In addition, most all fruits and vegetables contain carbohydrates which you should never eliminate from your diet.

Also, more often than not when people reintroduce whatever it is that they had cut out from their diet, it tends to have a rebound affect and they gain more weight back. ‘Cleanses’ also fall into this category. Most cleanses also fail to see any lasting benefits, and can also disrupt your body’s normal flora and balance. Regardless, your best plan for success is to eat everything in moderation, track your calories, and keep your metabolism steady by eating small frequent meals.