Bio-Identical Hormone Therapy, customized specifically for you.


Bio-Identical pellet therapy is quickly becoming the most popular form of hormone therapy for women. 

Bio-Identical Testosterone and Estrogen (Bio T & E) hormones are plant-based, natural substances that our bodies can metabolize in the way it was designed to do, minimizing side effects. These compounded bio-identicals can be matched to each woman’s unique needs, something that’s impossible with mass-manufactured products.

Women using bio-identical hormone therapy often report numerous benefits shortly after starting the therapy, such as: increased energy, improved mental focus and clarity, improved weight control, improved bone density, improved libido, as well as a decrease in menopausal symptoms like hot flashes, night sweats, and headaches.

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Most women commonly report seeing some benefits within the first 5-7 days after starting therapy. Side-effects may also start within the first couple weeks of starting therapy, however they are usually detected early and easily managed. Most women do not experience any significant side-effects with pellet therapy. Approximately 2 out of 10 women experience some water retention, this can be easily minimized by drinking plenty of water and reducing dietary sodium and salt intake. 

Hormone imbalance can begin as early as in our twenties, and becomes more prevalent as we age. Countless women and men have now made the switch to natural bio-identical hormone therapy. These human-identicals have long been preferred for hormone therapy in Japan, France and other European countries. They’ve been the subjects of many research studies on hormone therapy in which significant health benefits have been reported for both women and men. Data also continues to indicate that receiving hormone replacement therapy at the start of menopause can be very important to a woman’s ongoing health.

Routine lab work is scheduled after starting pellet therapy to ensure proper dosing, which is customized for each individual. 


  • Increased energy.

  • Decreased fat mass.

  • Resolving migraines/headaches.

  • Increased strength/endurance.

  • Improved libido & sexual function.

  • Decreases/eliminates hot flashes.

  • Improved focus/concentration.

  • Decreased joint/muscle pain.

  • Decreases/eliminates night sweats.

  • Improved insulin response.

  • Improved sleep.

  • Improved mood.


  • Water retention.

  • Oily skin/acne.

  • Breast tenderness.

  • Unwanted hair growth (~1%).

  • Thinning hair (less than ~1%).

*Side-effects are usually detected early, and easily managed.


Women - All Patients

✓ You should have already scheduled your appointment for follow-up lab work.

✓ Did you get your prescription for Progesterone if you're receiving estrogen therapy?

✓ We recommend that you take DIM, as it has been reported to reduce risk factors for breast and uterine cancer.

✓ Continue to see your primary care provider for routine/annual health screenings.

✓ Tell your hormone provider about any possible side effects or concerns.

Additional for Pellet Patients

✓ Check your dressing regularly for the first 24 hours, and keep it clean and dry. You may remove the outer dressing after 24 hours, or change it prior if necessary.

✓ It's advised that you avoid any strenuous activity working the legs or glutes for the first 3 to 5 days.

✓ You should strictly avoid soaking in any water for the first 5 days, including hot tub, bathtub and pools. You may shower after the first 24 hours.

✓ You may remove your steri strip bandage after 5 days. If it falls off before day 3 it should be replaced.

✓ Continue to check your incision site until healed and contact your provider with any signs of possible irritation or infection. *Infection of these sites is a very rare occurrence.

✓ Tell your provider about any possible side effects or concerns.

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